Letter from the Editors
Issue 2: Herstory, Celebrating Women!
What started as an idea between two friends, turned into Toastee. And now, we’re making another edition? Following the positive response, and frankly the simple pleasure of creating a magazine, we wanted to make another toast to people who are leading impactful change, inspiring others, and facilitating innovation.
This issue of Toastee is Herstory, Celebrating Women both Past and Present. While we will welcome future male contributors, this one is purposely allowing that bit more column space to women and highlighting their stories and contributions. Our hope and goal is in the elevation of female voices and inclusion of those forgotten.
These pages are filled with stories, experiences, and advice from women of all walks of life, identities, backgrounds, and professions. Each and every one of them is carving out a better place in their sphere, whether it’s advocating for the integration of Native American principles with Jaclyn Roessel, creating an anthropology of women’s voices like Esther Ajose, or rising entrepreneurs like Jes Bailey of Crowdfund 360. We raise a toast to their accomplishments and work to date, and equally to all the incredible women around the world.
This is also my/our own tribute to each other. Women supporting women-even from across an 8 hour time zone. I, Emer, could not, would not, do Toastee if not for the support, craic, and encouragement of Elizabeth. I, Elizabeth, would not have been able to start or finish these issues without the guidance, backing, and hilarious stories of Emer.
We’re proud to announce that the time for Herstory is now!
Happy Reading!